Amy Henderson Riley


Amy Henderson Riley is a social and behavior change specialist with specific expertise in research; analysis; strategy development; monitoring and evaluation; and workshop design and facilitation. She has particular knowledge and interest in social and behavior change communication, entertainment-education, and the measurement, evaluation, and application of behavioral science and social norms. Amy employs both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, placing emphasis on participatory approaches that amplify the voices and stories of individuals, families, and communities. Her work has addressed topics including maternal and child health, women’s health, sexual and reproductive health and rights, education, gender-based violence, and the environment. She has published numerous articles in the peer-reviewed literature and coauthored a new textbook on health communication with Suruchi Sood. Amy has a DrPH (doctor of public health) degree and completed a postdoctoral fellowship in communication. Amy lives in New Jersey and is an adjunct professor in the College of Population Health at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia.