Giacomo Sillari


Giacomo is an Italian academic whose work revolves around social norms and behavior change. Currently serving as Associate Professor at Luiss University in Rome, Giacomo has worked as a consultant for UNICEF and several NGOs for the past ten years. He has collaborated with the UNICEF Innocenti Research Center in Firenze on a multi-nation study on drivers of violence against women and has led several workshops on social norms and their application to behavior change.

 In addition to his recent work on behavioral public policy, Giacomo has done work on sanitation in Kenya and on abortion stigma in Uganda and Mexico, and has led larger training workshops on social norms in Kenya and Peru. His workshops, based on participatory learning, often resulted in small-scale project work recasting the participants’ field work in a new light.

 Giacomo studied behavioral economics during his Ph.D. at Carnegie Mellon University and is currently affiliated with the Behavioral Unit at the Scuola Nazionale dell’Amministrazione, a training school for public servants in Rome, and with the Norms and Behavioral Dynamics group at University of Pennsylvania.