Together with the Government of Indonesia and UNICEF Indonesia, we in 2019 completed the design of the Aksi Bergizi programme - a comprehensive and gender-responsive Social and Behaviour Change Communication strategy and campaign for adolescents to practice and promote healthy eating and regular physical activity.
Launch of Aksi Bergizi Adolescent Nutrition Programme, Klaten, Indonesia. 18 Nov 2018
Aksi Bergizi field facilitators take a photo-op with RBC and SEAMEO-RECFON teams during the Workshop on Documenting Promising Practices in West Lombok
Teams of junior and senior high school students present their plans for Aksi Bergizi school activities during FGDs in West Lombok and Klaten in August 2019
From 2009 to 2017 we helped create, develop and coordinate Turner Broadcasting’s Cartoon Network Latin America’s corporate social responsibility program called The Cartoon Movement, reaching over 60 million homes with pro-social campaigns ranging from bullying prevention to stopping the spread of the Zika virus.
“Rain Barrel helped us mobilize a national conversation about how to counter declining immunization rates in Moldova. The company designed a holistic behavior and social change communications strategy that will be implemented over the next four years. The RBC team made an excellent effort to ensure country ownership of the initiative and build the strategy in close cooperation with a wide range of national stakeholders.”