Inspiring Support for Your Campaigns: Nudging in the Right Direction

Rain Barrel Communications is pleased that our “Nudge Seminar” is up and running! If you are as inspired by TED Talks or academic lectures as we are, but unsure how to translate what you have heard into practice, this seminar is for your organization or company. We explore five well-known theories of behavior and social change, including the theory of providing small nudges, which comes from the field of behavioral economics.

In Taos, New Mexico, our first seminar focused on increasing voter turnout in the 2018 mid-term elections.

Participants came up with new actions they felt could be taken to prompt young voters, especially, to cast their votes for local and state officials. The seminar is adapted for any issue you wish to address, from health and education to violence and immigrant rights — achieve the desired results. This participatory seminar presents the latest thinking around the use of behavioral science to influence social change.

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