Pretoria to Almost Djibouti – Paul’s Road Trip Blog Complete

The website tracking my recent road trip from Pretoria to Nairobi ( is now complete. We have added a few hundred photos taken by all six participants, a trailer for the forthcoming feature film Pretoria to Almost Djibouti and my blog for the 21-day trip. We hope you enjoy them.
We made the trip from Pretoria passing through Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Malawi, Tanzania and finally to Nairobi, Kenya. We regret that we ran out of time and did not make it to Ethiopia where we had hoped to visit the northwestern area of Gondar and Addis Ababa. Chinese contractors have done their best to pave the roads along much of our route but the stretches of remaining unpaved road often turned to mud during the unseasonable rains, slowing our progress.

We were happy to put the Land Rover and the three motorcycles into a shipping container in Nairobi. They were shipped out from Mombasa to Durban, a voyage of a couple of months back to Pretoria. We on the other hand headed back to homes in Pretoria, London, Washington and Los Angeles by plane. It was a wonderful trip of no socially redeeming value but an adventure that must be done at least once in a lifetime. We at Rain Barrel have fun too.