Preventing the Threat of Polio from Becoming Reality in South Sudan

Rain Barrel Associate Paula Claycomb hit the ground running in South Sudan after arriving in Juba last Thursday.

She is designing and facilitating a dual purpose workshop that begins on 29 February.

One the one hand, principles and methodologies of Communication for Development will be presented, with plenty of practical exercises for the 40 participants attending from the three conflict-affected states in South Sudan.

On the other hand, the group will draft state-specific strategic directions and corresponding work plans for the next year.

With less than 35 per cent of Sudan's children immunized, the country is at risk of a polio outbreak -- just as the world is coming closer to eradicating it once and for all. So much is at stake in South Sudan, not only for its own children but also for the entire world.

In the first photo we see Paula literally on her knees on Saturday, making a ladder of "the stages of behaviour change" for one of the sessions.

In the second photo, she shares a break with Anu and Aping, both C4D Specialists in the UNICEF Country Office. We will hear more from her next week.

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