Rain Barrel Welcomes New Senior Advisor

Rain Barrel Communications is delighted to announce the appointment of Tomas Jensen as a Senior Advisor for our growing portfolio of social and behavior change communication (SBCC) contracts.


Tomas, a Danish national residing in Cairns, Australia, has extensive experience in designing, managing and documenting large- and small-scale behavior and social change initiatives in Asia, in the Pacific, and in Africa. He has been a valued RBC Associate since 2017.

“We are very pleased to add Tomas to our team and capacity for managing complex social change communication projects and campaigns,” says Paula Claycomb, one of three RBC directors. “He will lead our work in SBCC globally and will continue to participate in field team work, especially in Asia and the Pacific where he is based.”

Tomas also brings his background as an experienced workshop facilitator, media producer and team leader. He has an MA in communication and development, certificates in advocacy, networking and digital marketing, and 17 years as a UNICEF staff member based in Bangladesh, Cambodia and Fiji.  Tomas is the father of 11-year-old Maya for whom he wants the future to be safe, happy and bright.

For more information, see our Associates Page as well as https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomas-jensen-2b9aa069/

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