Looking back at 2022 and moving forward
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Happy 2023! We take this opportunity to update you on our activities in a world in turmoil, where we are compelled to engage with communities that are confronting so many challenges. Many of you have joined us in these efforts to promote fundamental change for the better and we thank you.
In 2022, together with UNICEF South Africa, Rain Barrel co-created 'My Body, My Health: My Wealth,' a campaign aimed at preventing noncommunicable diseases among adolescents and youth. Photo courtesy of UNICEF South Africa
Last year, we committed to staying positive amid many challenges facing us and our planet. We maintain this commitment this year, pleased that there were many things to be positive about in the Rain Barrel network in 2022. Over the past year, we worked in support of social justice and sustainability in 20 countries: Seychelles, Barbados, the Dominican Republic, Mauritius, Cambodia, Argentina, South Africa, Belize, Liberia, Papua New Guinea, Kazakhstan, Lao PDR, Nepal, Montenegro, Indonesia, Venezuela, Tajikistan, Iraq, Ecuador, and the Philippines.
We also worked with initiatives aiming to strengthen global and regional systems and capacity for social and behavior change. In total, we managed 25 different projects for seven different clients, together with 12 different and dedicated team leaders, and 47 of our excellent Associates and partners.
This is what our work contributed to in 2022:
Amplifying local voices and storytelling on the impact of climate change in the Seychelles, Barbados, the Dominican Republic, and Mauritius
Strengthening national capacity for using social and behavior change approaches effectively in Cambodia, Belize, and the Philippines
Improving road safety in Laos
Advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment in Argentina, and in Nepal
Improving nutrition for children and adolescents in Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines, South Africa, and in Laos
Improving COVID-19 and other vaccination rates in Tajikistan, Iraq, Venezuela, and in Papua New Guinea
Increasing hand-washing with soap behavior in Laos
Improving access to civil registration services in Liberia
Strengthening of story-telling skills for social and behavior change in Kazakhstan
Advancing a focus on delivery of child rights in Ecuador’s national budget
Improving digital access to mental health services in Cambodia
In 2022, Rain Barrel worked with UN Women Argentina to create a digital campaign with the goal of increasing participation of women and girls in sports. Photo courtesy of UN Women Argentina
The skills and approaches we applied in our work included research, social media listening, strategy development, co-creation of media, digital campaign management, and design and delivery of several online and in-person training initiatives. This is meaningful work that we are immensely proud of, and which makes us look to the future with optimism. A sentiment that is reinforced by us welcoming 20 new Associates into the network in 2022, with robust experience and skills in applied behavioral science.
In 2022, Rain Barrel conducted a co-creation lab on solutions to increase hand-washing with soap behaviours in Laos. Photo by Rain Barrel
We are pleased also to announce that Tomas Jensen, our innovative Managing Director since 2021, has become a co-owner of Rain Barrel Communications, joining Robert and Paul in their 14-year stewardship of the company. Rain Barrel goes into 2023 with a network of more than 80 Associates and partner organizations that allows us to combine robust behavioral research and design with effective communication and engagement. Online and offline.
We are delighted to keep partnering with you on this journey. Please do let us know if you have a need for our services – or if you have any great ideas that you’d like to share. You can always stay up to date and reach us through our website – and on our LinkedIn page.
Here is to a great Year of the Rabbit – which is traditionally predicted to be one of hope!
Robert, Paul, Waithira, Amanda, Andrea, and Tomas