Note to President Trump on Speaking the Language of Social Justice and Development
“Social Justice” is part of Rain Barrel’s tagline. It’s there for a reason. It’s the language we speak. It’s part of our DNA. It infuses our work with UN agencies, NGOs, governments, academia and the private sector.
We work with words and images and use them carefully, very conscious of their power. Much of what we do is technical in that we use the tools of evidence-based communication and behavioral science. We wield those tools for a purpose: to help make the world a better place. We use them to promote certain universal values of love for humankind and our planet.
We and many of our clients work with an increasing sense of urgency, knowing that these values that we share are now in great peril.
Whether at recent rallies like Writers Resist, Women’s March or airports, whether in the U.S. or elsewhere, or through our projects to prevent bullying or promote positive parenting, Rain Barrel is determined to defend those values with all the energy and skills we have at hand.
We have a voice and are proud to raise it with so many others in the spirit of social justice.